Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Weekend

My weekend was extraordinary then ended with a tragic ending.  At first I started my weekend by giving some of spare time to Leonard and Scott up at the Agriculture field. We worked from 8:30am to 12:00pm and we were tired. After we got home I took a shower then went to the pool for the barbecue that the kids get for helping out. When I got home later on my house went out to the movies. We watched Scott Pilgram vs the World. It was a comedy but also it was idiotic and stupid. On Sunday Robert and I switched rooms. So all morning we were changing rooms. So now I am Luis P. roommate. The day I started my week I was tired from my exhausted weekend.


  1. Thats sick, but try to keep the music down in your room it's loud

  2. Wow! On my weekend was really exhausting too. Well I want to switch roomates now.

  3. oh I hate you now, you suck, I mad at you don't talk to me for an 1 hour now. So how was the movie?

  4. Watever I love watching CHOWDER!:)

  5. Wow! I like your little exhausted face. Just so you know Chowder is my favorite cartoon.
