Thursday, February 17, 2011

Similes + Metaphors + Personification = Figurative Language

  1. Love is a dream.  (because it might never come true)
  2. Hate is a game.    (because it is fun for the hater)
  3. Life is a tool.        (because it is hard to make it workout)
  4. Friendship is a flower.   (Because pedals are like friends you win some and you lose some)


  1. Community Meetings are like a baseball team.  (because it is a get together)
  2. Passes are like short vacations.   (because you dont always stay there)
  3. The gym is as loud as a stadium.  (because many people are in there playing)
  4. My house is like a store.  (because many people come in and out)

  1. The moon cries every night.  
  2. The flower jumps through the wind.
  3. The phone woke with a alarm.
  4. The car drove bye with a wink for attention.

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