Thursday, April 7, 2011

UnGoogleable Already Know Paragraph

My question is why does love hurt? There is a little that I know about my question.

  1. Love hurts because you give up everyone for that one person.
  2. Love hurts because you give your whole heart to the person.
  3. Love hurts because you get attached to that person.
  4. Love hurts because you think everything going to be fine but something might happen and it doesn't turn out to be fine.
  5. Love hurts because you gave all this trust into the person and next thing you know they cheat on you.
  6. Love hurts because you have to find out stuff from friends instead of the person.
Those are most of the things that I know but I hope to find out more about my question.

1 comment:

  1. So So true. Love does hurt. Amazing topic!!! Keep up the good work.
