Thursday, August 12, 2010

Devastation in Pakistan Q and A

1. WHO is the president of Pakistan?
The president of Pakistan is Aslif Ali Zardari.
2. WHAT problems have recent monsoon rains caused in Pakistan?
The recent monsoon rains caused a horrible flood to develope in Pakistan.

3. WHERE in the country have people been hard-hit by the rains and flooding?
Islamabad, Pakistan was the city that was hurt the most.

4. WHEN was the last major natural disaster in Pakistan?
The last major incident to happen was a earthquake that happened in the year of 2005.

5. WHY are aid workers having trouble reaching the affected areas?
The main reason why aid cannot reach the infected areas is because storms are brewing in the areas so helicopters cannot reach the destination.

6.HOW many people have been affected, and killed, in the current disaster in Pakistan?
A good amount of 6 million of people were hurt and a good estimated amount of 1500 people are dead.

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