Monday, September 20, 2010

OAATS Analysis of Peer Paragraph

Write a paragraph analyzing the character of another student on campus. Select one main character trait, such as honest, confident, generous, caring, outgoing, etc. Then, write details about the person that can help to support the trait you selected. When thinking of details, use OAATS.

There are many people I can write about in this OAATS Analyzing paragraph. I just dont know which one to pick. It could be Marcos who as the best confident shot on this campus. Or it can be Jose a hyperactive wannabe for show jock. Maybe it can be Luis who is a moody person. I guess I'll write about Luis the moody long hair kid. Luis is one of those kids who is moody, caring, hating or even happier then a butterfly. Some how Luis can always get someone that is in a sad stage to talk to him about. Luis sometimes gets alittle to much pushy. That is how and why I picked luis as my character.


  1. I like how you post your question to your assignment. Now everyone knows exactly what you`re writting about.

  2. That was good. At least it was not anything bad about him. It is all the truth.
