Thursday, March 10, 2011

“Where Have You Gone, Charming Billy?” Breaking News

I am standing here in the middle of a tragic incident! Our beloved Billy Boy has died in a tragic incident. The commanding officers of the Camp told us that on their daily perimeter watch our Billy Boy was walking the dirt road and ran into a mine. His right leg was severed from the hip down. They informed us that he was rushed to the base's urgent care and was dealt with right away. Unfortunately, another incident happened in the O.R (operation room) Billy woke up from the concussion and scared himself to a cardiac arrest. The on site medics tried the best to get him up and running again but our Beloved Billy was ready to leave. Billy will live on forever and be remembered forever.  Here are some images shot before Billy went to war. This is Marcos from S.P.A.D News back to you Dave!!!


 Getting  in trouble.
Telling a kid to Charish school.
In Elementary school.
Singing in his backyard.
!!Long Live Billy the Boy!!

Picture from the All time best movie "Billy Madison."

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