Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Playwrights Project Play Completion Reflection

For the past 5 weeks I have been writing a play called "Love and Musica", I am so relieved now that I don't have to worry about it anymore. Now I can focus on my other classes a little bit more then just english class but it wasn't a biggie. I am proud of myself now that I know that writing plays is easy for me. I entered this playwrights contest yesterday but I doubt I will win it because I serious think that my play isn't that cool but if I do I will litteraly run out of class and go outside and shout I WON just kidding but that will be funny. My play was 29 pages so its more of a book then a play but I dont know. Next week when the professional actors act our play I will be really happy that I see someone taking interest into my play.


  1. I cant wait to see your play being preformed next week. It's a great thing that you are self-confident enough to not be too nervous about it. Great job.

  2. I know what you mean my play was 13 pages long. I think that you should space your words they look kind of smashed together, but good post

  3. Great Job Marocos. I'm happy that you to finished your play. Keep up the great work.

  4. I want to read it, it sounds super intresting!

  5. i mad that you have more words then me it not fair
